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Thursday, June 30, 2011

OK, Last One!

Did anyone else hear rumors that they were recreating Mr. Mom. Now, I heard this from a friend when I first started my rant about the Smurfs at the bar the other week so I am not 100% sure that it is true. But, if it is I have to post one questions to my readers and friends... WHY!

Again, I am big fan of the original. Micheal Keaton in the original 1983 Mr. Mom was funny and topical for the time. Now, I think it is a slap in the face to everyone subject to the remake and a very big indication that Hollywood has got nothing new. Really, am I the only one that noticed?!
It's even happening with newer movies. Consider this..

That one movie with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman from a couple years ago that examine the theory of "friend with benefits". Do you remember? Does it seem in any way similar to that new Mila and J.T. movie being released shortly? Similar in any way whatsoever to ya? Characters, story, something?!?

Alright, I think I have to get some more activities in my life so this upcoming week is not so boring and I feel the need to review ridiculous movies and share convos I already had with others. Stay tuned for more interesting topics post 4th of July. We are hosting a party so I am bound to have something to say by then.

Well, I Thought Of One Thing...

Has anyone else noticed how many films they are making based off old shows are old movies these days? Is this really an indication that the high paid executives in Hollywood can not even think of new movie ides so instead they recreate the Smurfs? Yes, that's right, I said it.

Sure, sure I watched the Smurfs growing up! Who didn't?!? Smurfs, Snorkels, Fraggle Rock, you name it where always on my line up. They were hilarious and very appropriate for there time. Now, I don't care how old I am I can stand hearing about the Smurfs. Have you seem some of these advertisements around town or on the bus stops? I will tell you that I don't think Smurfette looks right and I am not afraid to say it. What makes it even worse is that they slapped on a bunch of ridiculous tag lines that might have been funny in the late 90's, but today just seem sad and misused.

So, I guess I did have something to share during my week of boring. I guess in the silence I was able to look past issues I normally face and get to see these horrible movie ads on a whole new level. Bet Gates would of never let the Smurfs movie go to production. Just saying.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And It Continues

I am definitely having one of those weeks that just kinda feels like every other week. You never really know if anything huge is going to happen and then when you look back at the last 7 days nothing really happened at all.

I guess depending on your personality you might assume that is a good thing or a horribly boring thing. As for me, I am not sure what I think anymore. At this point I am kinda balancing between being super tired from work, being super stressed from wedding planning, and begin super disappointed B.G. hasn't given me a handout still. Really, how is he expecting me to pay for my bachelor party?

Back to me being boring. Seriously, I woke up and did the same thing every day this week. Almost no change. Yeah, I know some weeks are like that, but come on. I don't even have a funny story to share or a weird incident at the bar to share. Now, after I say that you know it has been a boring, boring, boring, slow week. No need to elaborate. Seriously, I can not think of one thing to elaborate about. I am not kidding.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Can You Say "Happy Belated Father's Day?"

I have heard Happy Belated Birthday, but I wasn't sure if the same "belated" wishes could apply for any holiday. If they can... well you know what I am about to say. To all my guy friends and family that have kids Happy Belated Father's Day. And, there you go.

I can describe what I did yesterday to celebrate Father's Day in two words. BBQ meat. It felt like my Dad and I had a marathon going of BBQing, eating, and drinking. Seriously, I am going to say that we were outside doing these three activities for about 4 to 5 hours. It was great in case you were wondering. I can't even begin to describe the amount of meat we purchased, cooked, and ate. It felt like we couldn't get enough. Maybe it was that whole protein thing doesn't fill you as fast as carbs. Who knows.

Do you ever wonder how people from different backgrounds celebrate holidays? Sure, you know how your family celebrates, but how do the uber-rich like Gates celebrate? Does he even have kids? In any case those are the thoughts that run through my mind and the same thoughts you are forced to read if you follow my blog. Don't lie... you know you love it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And, I Got Called Off

So, I hope anyone out there that was heading down to the bar for my shift has the opportunity to read this first. Not there. I am here. Blogging to you instead of serving you beer. Just come over here already.

I guess things were really slow so there was no need to come in. What, nobody wants to drink on the 15th of June? Is there rule I don't know about? In any case, I am in the perfect mood to be lazy today. Kate is out of town with visiting friends and I have the place to myself. It's an odd thing once you move in with someone. When you are single you take your time alone for granted and when you are in a couple you realize that you don't have very much time alone at all. I guess that is the whole part of give in take.

In any case I am appreciating my little bit of time alone, but still wouldn't mind hanging with friends. Well, the afternoon/night is young. We share see what happens. Maybe Gates will show up at my door and want to take me on his private jet. Oh, there I go with that handout thing again.

Time Flies When You Are...

wedding planning. Wait, did you think I was going to say "having fun"! I guess I could see me saying that too. So, how have you been? Most of you have been in and out of the bar so I already know that answer, but for the others... please feel free to respond.

Life is good as usual. The date has been set (all problems have been figured out) and things are moving on. Still no hand out from Gates and I have stopped wondering when that will happen. On the other hand, we have been getting hand outs from many other wealthy individuals. Kate has a few close family members that recently donated to our overall wedding fund. The couple is very shy and humble so I will not name names, but I will say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Without you many of our wedding "wonderful" would not be possible.

It's about that time to get ready to go to work. Come visit and I will give you more details on the rest of life. I think there is some sort of drink specials tonight, but I can't promise anything. This is why I could not be a promoter. Have a good night everyone!