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Monday, February 28, 2011

Forgot to Ask...

Did you watch the Oscars? Ha! How many times did you hear that today? Isn't it weird how everybody wants to know if you watched them, but most of them didn't watch it themselves. I swear they should just make a highlight show so no one has to watch them. I think people feel like they have to watch them just so they can talk about it.

Honestly, I can watch the red carpet and then call it quits. Oh, only if I could have really met Scarlett in real life. JK Kate!! Really, you have to wonder what they really look like under all that makeup. Think they have the occasional breakout? Or even worse... a wrinkle?!?!?

I did watch some of it and I have to ask, what is up with the hundred million outfit changes. Every time Anne walked on stage I had to double check if it was really her or someone else in a different outfit. Those changes were nuts! How did they even have enough time to make that happen? Those hair-do's (did I spell that right) alone seemed like they would take 2 hours.

Got Today Off

I was on my way to work when I got a random call from a co-worker that really needed my shift for some reason. Needless to say, I let her have it. Not that you couldn't already figure that out. I am of course, here writing to all of you.

Anyhow, I guess you all now know the story that lead me to become an engaged man. It is still totally weird to say it. I always thought one day I would automatically feel old enough or at a certain point when I felt getting married was the next step. Then, one day I realized I may never be as rich as Gates and I may never have my dream job so why am I wasting days and moments hoping these other life accomplishments will happen before I say "I do"?

Speaking of the Mrs. I called her a couple of times and haven't heard back. She did think I was working, so maybe she made other plans. A night alone in the apartment is now weird. All of her stuff is here, but not her. Never thought I could miss a person this much. Well, off to watch Idiot Abroad. Love that show.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sorry. The minute I hit post I realized, well you could of just walked away and came back to finish the story. But, no! I have to publish the still unfinished story like you could tell I walked away from the computer or something. Maybe at some point I will realize it is a blog, not a face-to-face conversation.

Alright, back to it. Yes, that was Kate on the phone and not Bill Gates. Instead of hoping from a hand out from Gates I am realizing I need to start planning for my own future.

And the story continues... I give Mom her flowers and she hands them off to Kate who was more than happy to put them in a vase. She just had to run to the bathroom first! It seriously felt like she was in there forever. Mom pulled out a vase, left it by the flowers, and then started to make us all a drink so Kate didn't wonder why she just couldn't put the flowers in herself.

Kate finally comes out and grabs the flowers. She used scissors to cut up the side of the plastic and decorative tissue paper. Then she filled the vase and started grabbing each individual stem to gently place them in some type of planned arrangement. Two stems into it she grabbed the one with the box attached.

I Will Finish This Story...

Hey all. Sorry again for the delay in the story. This month has really been so busy I can't believe how fast it went by. That always makes me feel old when I say that. I always think of my parents talking with their friends and saying how quickly times goes by. Now, here I am making the same comments.

Alright, back to the story. So I called her parents and they wanted us to stop by for the actual proposal since I really didn't have it planned out yet. I thought, oh well, I guess that can work. She would never expect me to propose at her parent's house. So, there we were. Dressed up to go to "dinner" after the quick stop at the parents.

I had the lilies (her fav flower) that were supposedly for her Mom and the ring was hidden inside. Actually, I used some ribbon and tied the box to the stem of the one of the lilies. The plan was that I would give the flowers to her Mom and then her Mom was going to ask her to put them in water. We all were going to casually following her into the kitchen and hang out and chat as she unwrapped the flowers and found the box. The phone is ringing ( it's Kate not Gates!)... brb.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Valentine's Day...

Dear Valentine's Day,

I would like to formally thank you for coming once every year and finally finding me on a year that I have a girlfriend. Actually, I would like you to know that I dominate this holiday and may just qualify for best boyfriend (soon to be live in boyfriend) of the year.

I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that my budget did not include a hand out from Bill Gates, but it was still enough to make the day memorable. Check out what I did for my girl.

Part One: I planned that she would sleep over last night so she would wake up in my bed to a fully prepared gourmet breakfast. Eggs Benedict, fresh squeezed orange juice (with the option of champagne) and her favorite fruit, blueberries.

Part Two: We went for a hike on her favorite local trail that leads you to one of the most romantic spots I have ever seen. At that point, I gave her the necklace I purchased. All hand-crafted from her favorite stone.

Part Three: We went home and watched a bunch of her favorite shows I recorded and ate her favorite snack... humus and pita with garlic stuffed olives.

It is now 7:30 and I am about to take her to the final portion of my Valentine's Day spectacular so stay tuned.


Happy V Day Continued Several Days Later

Step Four: Propose...

Oh yeah, it happened. I told you I rocked Valentine's Day right? Well, it took me this long to post because, well life has been nuts. My plans were simple because I spent all the money (Read: my tips from the bar) on the ring. I had no idea how much engagement rings cost. At first I thought I needed to save like a $1,000 then I realized I need to save much more with no thanks to Bill Gates. Still no hand out for me.

Alright, here is how it went down... I actually called her Mom and told her that I wanted to come over and talk to "Dad." I asked him for her hand in marriage about 15 days before and he was blown away. They insisted that I propose with them present so I made a big deal about stopping by their house on the way to dinner. I told her that I bought lilies (which I did) for her Mom and wanted to drop them off on our way to dinner.

Man, just realized what time it was. I have to run for a late shift at the bar. I will tell ya the rest later.