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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Until 2011

I have consciously decided that this will be my last post of 2010 since I have some rather big news to share. I really want to leave you with this one piece of information so it was my last contribution to the internet of this year.

This is a little out of character for me and honestly, it's the first (and hopefully only) time that I will be in this situation. Take a deep breath and get ready for it. I (wait for it) am asking (wait for it) Kate (really wait for it) to move (wait for it) in with me. Phewwww. Were ya expecting that one? It's going down on New Year's Eve and I feel confident posting this since I made her promise to take a week off reading my blog. Told her it involved a present and she believed me.

Well, you will get my next post in 2011. Prepare yourselves. Happy New Year to all the friends, fam, and readers that follow. Oh, and Happy New Year B. Gates. I hope you make even more money next year and actually find me to give me that handout. I'll need it if Kate moves in. I only own one pan.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Already Got One

Oh, I forgot to tell you... got a promotion at the bar. Thank you Bill! Bill B. that is not Bill Gates. Bill B. is the manager at the bar and recently gave me several night shifts in addition to other days shifts. So far it's a nice balance between days and nights. Balance in my life. Never thought I would actually say I had it. Beer I always had, but not necessarily balance.

So, more work talk. I told you a lot of people where home visiting for the holidays. It seems that everyone I went to high school with that left is now back here and sitting at my bar. Yes, I said my bar. I may not own the thing, but when I am bartending it is my bar.

Really weird to see some of these faces from the past. I will admit some have aged better than others. Much better than others. Actually, some of these people may be spending more time at their local bars that out in daylight. The pale factor made me feel like I was in one of those vampire movies. Pass. This is not Forks and I am not looking for a love. I already have one.

Christmas High

Christmas Eve rocked. And, believe it or not, Christmas was even better. Actually, every single day since Christmas has been amazing. Calm, but amazing. Actually, crazy yet amazing. Well, not calm, not crazy... just perfect.

So, needless to say, things are going well with Kate. Between work and Kate life has been turning better and better. Tons of people were in town for the holidays to visit family, so business has been insane. Bar business, not me making burgers business if you were wondering. I am really looking forward to New Year's Eve (yep, I am not working) since I can be with Kate. First Christmas, first New Year's Eve, first whatever. Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate. Is it getting annoying that I am talking about her so much yet?

Did I mention everything is going well with Kate? Taking a huge pause on the realizations and the looking out for Gates and my handout. Gates may have more than I do, but I have never been happier in my life. I mean the rain could let up. Otherwise, everything is just perfect.

Yes, I am still wearing the scarf and loving every minute of it. K A T E!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Nailed It!

Nailed it! Thanks Bill Gates for never finding me and giving me a hand out I did nothing for! She LOVED the picture. She walked around and showed every single entire family member the picture and then also told them about the night the picture was taken.

Ugh, I was so freaking nervous for nothing. Her family was so chill and amazing. The dinner was awesome and I can not believe what amazing cooks her Mom and Dad are. Together they made this incredible meat lasagna, garlic bread, salad, and every single Christmas cookie imaginable.

So, I guess you are wondering what she got me. A scarf! Simple, right?! The scarf was actually a reference from the very same exact night I had our friend take that picture of us. We left the bar and took a walk and it was SO COLD! For some reason we started talking about how great it would be have a scarf at that very moment. She got me a scarf and a card that referenced that conversation.

Great night. Absolutely a great night. I think this relationship might be going somewhere. If it is, I can only hope I don't screw it up somehow. She is amazing and if she is reading this... Kate, thanks for a great Christmas Eve.

And There is More

Um... remember how I said that my new lady friend invited me to Christmas Day with her family? (If not, you are a little behind and should of read my last blog!) Well, now this holiday family event is also including Christmas Eve. This is good and well, fairly bad for several reasons. Two main reasons actually.

Reason #1: Still no hand out from Gates and surprisingly no Christmas bonus from the bar. All of this means that my present is not exactly... expensive. I had a friend take a picture of us at the bar a few days ago and I printed it and framed it.

Reason #2: The original plan was to exchange gifts on our own and not in front of her family that I have never met. Now, I have to bring my framed picture of us and give it to her in front of her entire family during this gift exchange session. What if she spent a lot of money on me? Do hand made gifts still seem cool after you leave elementary school?

My stomach is turning. Why am I so nervous? I hope her family is cool.

Friday, December 17, 2010

8 Days Till Christmas

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... a be-ee-er, and it was free. What's up readers and friends?

The holidays are finally here and thankfully, I am in the holiday spirit this year. I decided to put all hopes aside that Bill Gates was going to somehow find me and give me a hand out. Instead I decided to focus on reality (which can be harder than you think) and make this Christmas season the best I have ever had.

Did I mention I met a girl? No, not Scarlett, but hot in her own right. I think the Christmas present I get her will be key to our future relationship. I can only hope the bar givea us some kind of Christmas bonus. The "official" Christmas party is tomorrow so I will keep you updated. I wonder if Gates hands out bonuses. He must.

Anyway, I am trying to figure out this big question. She invited me to her parent's house for Christmas. We have only been dating for two weeks (yeah, now you understand why I haven't made a post lately) and I wondering if it is too early to meet the ENTIRE family. As much as I question it, I think I will be in attendance anyway. Well, I will update you soon.