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Monday, January 31, 2011

The Pro Bowl and Other Confusing Events

Does anyone really watch the Pro Bowl? Really, who is it that watches the Pro Bowl? Did you see any coverage on it? The stands were even kind of empty. Hilarious. 41-55.

Now onto other confusing events... I hate it when I recommend someone for a job and they end up screwing it up. A friend I met at the bar is looking for a web site designer so without really thinking about it I recommended my other friend Dan. I went on and on about his work, his abilities, and all the stuff you are suppose to say. I even gave the guy Dan's website address and contact info.

Three days later the guy is back at the bar and he is less then impressed with Dan. Shock. I should have known better. The guy sets a meeting with Dan "the idiot" on Monday morning and Dan does not show up. In addition to the no-show, he doesn't call, doesn't email, doesn't reschedule. Nothing. How do people hand this situation? The guy was looking at me like I was an moron for recommended Dan and honestly, he was right.

What would Gates do? He probably wouldn't have made the recommendation or hang out with Dan in the first place.

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