This is a little out of character for me and honestly, it's the first (and hopefully only) time that I will be in this situation. Take a deep breath and get ready for it. I (wait for it) am asking (wait for it) Kate (really wait for it) to move (wait for it) in with me. Phewwww. Were ya expecting that one? It's going down on New Year's Eve and I feel confident posting this since I made her promise to take a week off reading my blog. Told her it involved a present and she believed me.
Well, you will get my next post in 2011. Prepare yourselves. Happy New Year to all the friends, fam, and readers that follow. Oh, and Happy New Year B. Gates. I hope you make even more money next year and actually find me to give me that handout. I'll need it if Kate moves in. I only own one pan.